Baby Boy Berger

  1. 3. Sally's maiden name and Baby Berger's namesake
  2. 4. month baby is due
  3. 8. Sally's favorite ice cream
  4. 11. Sally's first "child"
  5. 13. One of Sally's lifesize baby doll (seen here)
  6. 14. Sally's baby daddy
  7. 15. Sally's favorite ice cream place (at home)
  8. 16. Brandon's Pappy's name and Baby Berger's namesake
  1. 1. Sally's favorite ice cream (in Clemson)
  2. 2. Sally's favorite ice cream place (at the beach)
  3. 5. Hollis' tag-a-long
  4. 6. Sally's drink of choice after baby arrives
  5. 7. It's a ____!
  6. 9. drink that got Sally through her nausea
  7. 10. Soon-to-be big sis
  8. 12. Sally's PW's order
  9. 14. What's the name of Sally's favorite childhood stuffed animal