Baby Jesus

  1. 1. Prophet who foretold Jesus would be born in Bethlehem (Mi 5:2)
  2. 4. Jesus was also called by this name (Matt 1:23)
  3. 5. This man saw baby Jesus at the temple (Lk 2:25)
  4. 9. Jesus was of the house and lineage of ___ (Lk 2:4)
  5. 10. Jesus lived here when HE was 2 ys old (Matt 2:23
  6. 12. Jesus was born in Bethlehem because His parents went to _____ (Lk 2:5)
  7. 15. Told Joseph to call Jesus by name of Jesus (Mat 1:20)
  1. 2. widow who saw baby Jesus at the temple (Lk 2:36-38)
  2. 3. Jesus came to save HIS people from these (Matt 1:21)
  3. 5. Angels appeared to these people night of Jesus' birth (Lk 2:8-13)
  4. 6. Jesus' mother (Matt 1:20)
  5. 7. Jesus' crib (Lk 2:7)
  6. 8. Jesus was born of a _______ (Matt 1:23)
  7. 11. Tried to trick magi into letting him know where Jesus was (Matt 2:7-12)
  8. 13. One of the gifts the magi brought to Jesus (Mat 2:11)
  9. 14. Jesus was born in a stable because no room here (Lk 2:7)