Bacabadada fun facts 🌝

  1. 4. The part of Bacabadada that was pulled off to create the world
  2. 5. Bacabadada’s home
  3. 6. Phase that Bacabadadae go through as teenagers
  4. 7. Number of arms Bacabadada has
  5. 9. Who said “You’re being paid in Bacabadada”?
  6. 10. Bacabadada’s height
  7. 11. Class that Bacabadada originated in
  8. 13. Color Bacabadada turned after losing blood
  9. 15. A creature that is also Bacabadada’s friend
  10. 16. Bacabadada’s occupation, aside from wanted criminal and supreme deity of the earth.
  11. 18. Other country that Bacabadada commits war crimes in
  12. 19. Natural Bacabadada color before blood loss
  1. 1. This character’s face mold bears a striking resemblance to Bacabadada (because of course, Bacabadada came first)
  2. 2. Name of everyone in France according to What’s Up? Balloon to the Rescue, from the hit studio that brought you Finding Jesus
  3. 3. Bacabadada’s favorite food (and coincidentally, species)
  4. 8. Bacabadada’s first severed arm child
  5. 9. The supreme deity at the center of the Earth
  6. 10. Word for an infant Bacabadada
  7. 12. Dangerous disease that Bacabadadae are vulnerable to
  8. 14. Four-legged Duck, Bacabadada’s war crime committing friend
  9. 17. Country that Bacabadada commits war crimes in