Back 2 Skool

  1. 5. "Take a deep breath as you walk through the doors it's the morning of your very first _____"
  2. 6. Hallway _____, sometimes worse than highway _____
  3. 8. Pray for a top one, get stuck with a bottom one
  4. 9. Exciting but sad trip to Staples for school _____
  5. 10. Comes in the mail just three days before school even starts
  6. 11. Blue or black ink
  1. 1. First day, gotta dress to _____
  2. 2. Will cause minor/major back pain
  3. 3. Who will you sit next to on the first day of...
  4. 4. You'll find them wandering looking for upstairs K
  5. 7. Autumn leaves will _____ hopefully your grades won't follow suit
  6. 8. Bring your own or eat the Cafeteria's...