Back Pack 2 Unit 3

  1. 3. Something so you can see yourself
  2. 5. the room to take a shower and use the toilet
  3. 6. something on the floor that is soft and pretty
  4. 9. something that plays music and tells time
  5. 11. grows from the ground. has leaves
  6. 13. in the bathroom where you take a bath
  7. 14. use this after taking a shower
  8. 15. can see outside. in buildings or cars
  9. 16. something in the bedroom to put away clothes
  10. 18. next to the window to keep the light out
  1. 1. cameras take this. you can draw this
  2. 2. Use this when taking a shower
  3. 4. a table for drinks like coffee or tea or soda
  4. 6. where the ice cream is in the kitchen
  5. 7. something big to play games online with a mouse
  6. 8. a table where you put your alarm clock
  7. 10. something in the kitchen to put away food
  8. 12. a room where you cook food
  9. 16. a room used for eating
  10. 17. On the wall to put books or things