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  1. 3. A short literary composition on a particular theme
  2. 6. The grounds, often including the building of a college or school
  3. 7. An institution for higher learning
  4. 8. Application of the mind;focusing attention on a specific topic
  5. 9. Comfortable attire for lounging around
  6. 12. Monetary assistance awarded to students for the purpose of paying for education
  7. 14. Portable computer
  8. 17. A person engaged in learning
  9. 18. The process of acquiring general knowledge
  10. 21. A set public area containing books,periodicals and other materials for studying
  11. 22. A device with a set of broadband wireless networking needed for internet access
  12. 24. Schoolwork assigned to be done outside of the classroom
  13. 25. A necessary beverage, containing caffeine and served hot or over ice
  1. 1. A slender tool used for writing or drawing, with lead
  2. 2. The Reedley college student virtual classroom portal
  3. 4. A memory storage device used for word files, pdfs, pictures etc.
  4. 5. You use this to carry your books and materials
  5. 10. A cellphone with a handheld computer typically offering internet access
  6. 11. A lunchroom or dining hall
  7. 13. A professional who guides students in their educational path
  8. 15. The highest degree awarded in academic study
  9. 16. A book used by students for a particular area of study
  10. 19. A room in a school or college
  11. 20. Bi-pedal transportation used to get across campus
  12. 23. An academic title given by universities and colleges after the completion of required course work\