"Back to Ithaca"

  1. 4. God's protection
  2. 7. To prepare or plan
  3. 9. Son of Idomeneus, this person wanted to take all of Odysseus's booty from Troy. Odysseus killed him in ambush.
  4. 10. This is greatness, skills, or strength
  5. 11. A piece of material in entering a room or house, like a doorway
  6. 12. This is sadness, and can be the losing of hope
  7. 13. To take action on those who've harmed you
  8. 14. This is much food and beverages it is called a ______
  1. 1. This can be skills or presents
  2. 2. This is a feeling of longing with excitement
  3. 3. This is the feeling of safety and well-being
  4. 5. This means to be completely shut, or silent
  5. 6. This means to live well
  6. 8. This is great disaster
  7. 12. This is a state of being protected from or unlikely to cause harm