Back To School
- 1. Electrical contraption that WILL be confiscated if found
- 4. The other division
- 5. The word omitted in the acronym MAP
- 8. Translated word-for-word from Chinese, it is the Five Subject Complete Ability
- 11. Eukaryote with pseudopods
- 13. Under 60
- 15. What A stands for in the acronym ASB
- 16. The disappearing subject
- 19. What the construction site used to be
- 20. An ASB will tell you to put these into the reception room refrigerator if you march into the building with them after lunch
- 21. What you're most likely holding right now
- 22. Answer well in his class and you can aim a plastic ball at the whiteboard
- 23. The test you take if you're sick--and what you can't wear to school
- 1. What you avoid by citing your sources
- 2. The only landlocked country in Southeast Asia
- 3. Several packets of these are given out at the start of the semester
- 6. One of these for each subject
- 7. Constant quantity placed before a variable in an algebraic expression
- 9. A vast space; numerous people congregate here at the start of the semester
- 10. 8B's first class on Monday morning
- 12. Last two classes on Thursday
- 13. In minutes, the amount of time the sixth-graders have to grab a seat in the cafeteria before the seventh- and eighth-graders come stampeding along
- 14. Wear a collared shirt on this day of the week
- 17. Four or five heavy items that *should* be in your locker
- 18. Character that appears first in Lord of the Flies