Back to School

  1. 5. "That wasn't today, it was tomorrow! Right?"
  2. 7. A, F, whatever
  3. 9. used in almost every class
  4. 12. found on the wall in classrooms
  5. 13. please try to stick to the _______.
  6. 14. there are never enough of them
  7. 16. when students catch up on sleep
  8. 19. overpriced, uncomfortable, and low quality
  1. 1. don't blame the dog
  2. 2. it might be edible?
  3. 3. counting down the days until _____
  4. 4. Underpaid, overworked, schools would shut down without them.
  5. 6. "Hooray!!!!!!!" *barfs*
  6. 8. spiral bound, five subject, etc.
  7. 10. where homework goes to die
  8. 11. too long
  9. 15. formerly used to punish unruly students
  10. 17. there is no escape...
  11. 18. strictly banned