Back to School Crossword
- 2. You solve equations in _________ class.
- 4. You can find locations of cities, states, and countries on a ______.
- 6. You will be released at 2:00 PM every other _________.
- 7. The best time to use the ________ is between classes.
- 11. You can check out a book with Ms. Rachel in the _______.
- 12. You cannot have your _________ out except at lunch.
- 13. One of the best ways to contact your teacher is through _________.
- 14. If you don't know the meaning of a word, you can look it up in a ______.
- 19. You should always ________ in the hallway.
- 20. Your ________ should be charged every night before school.
- 21. Ms. Lilley has 4 of these at home.
- 22. Some people ride to school on a ________.
- 23. You can get ________ in the cafeteria in the morning.
- 24. You can write your homework assignments down in your ________.
- 26. This can be used to measure the length of objects.
- 27. When starting to unlock your locker, you should first turn the knob in this direction.
- 1. You can use this website to check your grades at any time.
- 3. Study hall is a great time to get your _______ done.
- 5. Dr. Hartford is the _________ of the school.
- 8. If you show up late to class, you will be marked as __________.
- 9. Pride will occur during the last 30 minutes of every _________.
- 10. You will eat lunch in the _________.
- 15. You are __________ for keeping your Chromebook in good condition until you graduate high school.
- 16. Our school mascot is a _________.
- 17. This can help you solve math problems.
- 18. You should always use a ________ to write on assignments.
- 25. You should not sit in the top row of _______ (color) seats in the gym.