Back to school for fun and learning

  1. 2. if you make a mistake with your pencil, this will fix it
  2. 5. write with this or sharpen it if it is dull
  3. 9. made of wood or plastic and useful for measuring
  4. 11. made of wax and comes in many colors
  5. 12. you sit at this to do your work
  6. 13. a long vehicle you ride to school in
  7. 14. the meal you eat in the middle of the day
  1. 1. this holds small pieces of paper to your big piece of paper
  2. 3. the building where you learn
  3. 4. the person who helps you learn
  4. 6. the kids you play with at school
  5. 7. a bag on your pack with books in it
  6. 8. usually on the wall to tell the time
  7. 10. adding, subtracting and other number stuff