Back To School Part 1

  1. 1. learn about number
  2. 5. seven times five
  3. 6. a break in a school day
  4. 7. place to learn
  5. 8. student and teacher sit on this
  6. 10. you play with them
  7. 13. place for study at school
  8. 14. a class schedule
  9. 16. you can use this to measure
  10. 17. they help you learn new things
  1. 2. people study at school
  2. 3. tool you need for erase
  3. 4. we need this for writing
  4. 8. synonim of smart
  5. 9. to be unsuccessful in an exam
  6. 11. learn about nature
  7. 12. You take it every day to school
  8. 15. sixtyfour divide eight
  9. 18. school work a student is given to do at their home