Back to School - Week 3

  1. 3. (p. 21) a railway system in which electric trains travel through tunnels below ground
  2. 6. (p. 19) a member of the same class in a school
  3. 8. (p. 16) an ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practiced it
  4. 9. (p. 18) to come to or reach a place after traveling
  5. 12. (p. 21) a drawing that explains or shows the parts of something
  6. 13. (p. 16) a particular kind or group of things or people
  7. 14. (p. 19) something or someone that people talk or write about
  8. 15. (p. 21) an area of study that deals with the location of countries, cities, rivers, mountains, lakes, etc.
  1. 1. (p. 21) having been moved to a higher position; lifted
  2. 2. (p. 16) below the surface of the earth; below ground
  3. 4. (p. 21) a writing and printing system for blind people
  4. 5. (p. 17) a kind of dance that uses music and costumes to tell a story
  5. 7. (p. 21) a small electronic device that is used for adding, subtracting and other calculations
  6. 10. (p. 23) someone who takes part in an activity or game with another person
  7. 11. (p. 23) to make something new or to invent something