Back to the Basics

  1. 2. This body system should be assessed on admission for each patient. If abnormalities are noted, they must be documented.
  2. 3. Every nurse should check for this allergy prior to inserting a foley catheter.
  3. 4. What is the wet to dry time for purple cap wipes (in minutes)?
  4. 6. Upon admission, I should always be placed in a toilet. The name of the apparel that covers the cranial region.
  5. 7. Never heat up a gel pack for a patient. If a patient requests a heating pad, the nurse should obtain a doctor's order for this.
  6. 9. Who needs to be notified after a hypoglycemic event prior to administering a diabetes medication?
  1. 1. When doffing PPE, should the reusable gowns be placed in the blue linen bags inside or outside the patient's room.
  2. 3. In addition to stating your name when answering a call on Vocera, you must also state your ________ .
  3. 5. The location to discard gastric content in a suction cannister from an NG. An excellent name for a bunny or a police chief in Hawkins, Indiana.
  4. 8. What time (am or pm) should we make sure our IV pump is clear to document I&O?