Back to the Future

  1. 2. Who bullies George McFly in the film?
  2. 3. You need 1.21 of these to make time travel possible.
  3. 7. Marty's mum.
  4. 10. The song Marty performs at the dance.
  5. 11. What is Doc's dog's name in the 1985 timeline?
  6. 12. What is the capacitor that allows time travel?
  1. 1. The type of tree the mall is named after.
  2. 4. Doc's catch phrase throughout the film.
  3. 5. Doc says there's no need for these in the future.
  4. 6. Who is the protagonist in the film?
  5. 8. What is Emmett Brown better know as?
  6. 9. Marty's girlfriend.