Bahasa Indonesia

  1. 4. Something you read
  2. 5. Milk
  3. 7. English
  4. 9. Red+Yellow
  5. 13. Wake Up
  6. 14. Apple
  7. 16. Red
  8. 17. Black
  9. 20. Running
  10. 24. Geography
  11. 27. You
  12. 28. Pond
  13. 29. 10+6= ?
  14. 30. What?
  15. 31. I
  16. 32. Food
  1. 1. Something you erase with
  2. 2. Mother
  3. 3. Something you cut with
  4. 6. Kitchen
  5. 7. Dancing
  6. 8. Science
  7. 10. We does a car stay?
  8. 11. What does a clock tell?
  9. 12. Something you write with
  10. 15. What is a word that is used to describe how hard something is?
  11. 16. Red+White
  12. 18. When you play a guitar you are playing what?
  13. 19. Drama
  14. 20. Blue
  15. 21. Younger
  16. 22. Highlighter
  17. 23. Minutes past the hour
  18. 25. Who do most people live with at home?
  19. 26. father
  20. 32. To read.