Bailey Coposky - Renaissance and Reformation

  1. 5. settles reformation wars,1555
  2. 6. settles religious turmoil in england
  3. 8. non catholic christians
  4. 10. rich people
  5. 11. native language
  6. 13. rebirth
  7. 15. catholic missionaries
  8. 17. nunchucks,orange,sistine chapel
  9. 18. another protestant leader
  10. 21. human emotion
  11. 22. invented early copy machine
  12. 23. early copy machine
  13. 24. make invalid
  1. 1. split in catholic church
  2. 2. sai,red,school of athens
  3. 3. meeting of clergy,1545-1563
  4. 4. author,inventor,mona lisa,scientist
  5. 7. catholic counter punch
  6. 9. church of england
  7. 10. 3 dimensional appearance
  8. 12. bo staff,purple,bronze david
  9. 14. henry vll 2nd wife, beheaded, elizabeths mom
  10. 16. non religious
  11. 19. new christian churches left catholicism
  12. 20. buying salvation
  13. 21. 6 wives