Banking Basic Puzzle

  1. 5. Item you give up for money
  2. 6. Money you owe for a service or penalty
  3. 9. Entering money into a account
  4. 11. A name for giving out money
  5. 12. Machine you use to deposit or withdraw money
  6. 13. A account for daily use
  7. 14. A account to save your money
  8. 15. Name for one savings and checking account
  9. 16. A For profit place to store money
  1. 1. The agency that insures money
  2. 2. Annual percentage owed for loan
  3. 3. A non profit place to store money
  4. 4. Money you owe
  5. 7. Keeping money in savings for a time
  6. 8. Banking on the internet
  7. 10. Money you get back on your money