Banned books

  1. 1. The count includes both books temporarily and __ removed from shelves.
  2. 5. Many book removals happened in two states. Iowa and ___.
  3. 8. These/this group were key factors in the spike of book removals. Two words.
  4. 9. This bill (HB 29) signed in the state of ___ says a book must be banned if certain schools don't like it.
  5. 10. Stories of book bans often go ____ .
  1. 2. Two words The talley marks a nearly __ __ increase.
  2. 3. Critics of these laws saw they are akin to ___.
  3. 4. Last name of a male author who was impacted by the book ban.
  4. 6. The number of books removed from school library shelves during 2023-2024 school year? Ten ___ .
  5. 7. Many banned books featured stories that are about the __ community.