Barth v brunner debate

  1. 4. Faith The concept that faith is a collaborative effort between humans and God, where humans actively seek and engage in the process of belief.
  2. 6. Theology The study of God and religious truth through reason and human experience, as opposed to revelation.
  3. 8. Theology A theological approach emphasising the tension and radical discontinuity between God and humanity, often associated with Karl Barth's theology.
  4. 9. Belief or trust in God or religious doctrines, often accompanied by a commitment to live according to those beliefs.
  5. 10. Revelation The act of God making Himself known to humans, often through various means such as scripture, religious experiences, or events.
  1. 1. The idea that God is beyond and distinct from the created world, existing in a higher and unknowable realm.
  2. 2. A philosophical movement that emphasises individual existence, freedom, and choice, often explored in the context of personal experience and authenticity.
  3. 3. of God In Christian theology, it can refer to the Scriptures, particularly the Bible, or to the person of Jesus Christ as the divine revelation of God.
  4. 5. The study of interpretation and understanding, often applied to the interpretation of religious texts and theological ideas.
  5. 7. Revelation The idea that God's existence and attributes can be known through observation of the natural world and human reason.