BartholoNews Millennium Crossword

  1. 3. Mr Robinson introduced BartholoNew's to the school. What is the surname of the Headteacher who succeeded him?
  2. 5. Who was the first Headmistress of the Girl's school?
  3. 6. Which cloth merchant left money in his will to found the school in 1466?
  4. 10. Name this BART'S Value.
  5. 11. What is the surname of the longest serving member of St Bart's? (Clue: she just completed 40 years service!)
  6. 13. Which politician visited the school in 1972 as Education minister and came back in 1985?
  7. 14. In what year did St Bartholomew's Grammar School amalgamate with Newbury Girls School?
  8. 18. Can you complete the missing word from the St Bart's School Song? 'We count him -----, we count him fool, who will not cry long live the school'
  9. 19. What rating did Ofsted recently award St Bart's?
  10. 20. What is the title of the royal who officially opened the new school buildings?
  1. 1. In what year did St Bart's move to the new school buildings we use today?
  2. 2. Which royal has visited the school twice, in both 1972 and 1993?
  3. 4. What type of tree was planted when St Bart’s celebrated its 550th anniversary in 2016?
  4. 7. In which month did the first issue of the school newsletter appear?
  5. 8. The full name of one of the St Bart's old boys who was killed in WW1 and gives his name to one of our houses.
  6. 9. What is the school motto?
  7. 12. Which poet is quoted in the St Bart's heritage garden?
  8. 15. On the old school site, what did 'T' denote on room signs?
  9. 16. At the time of the school development the new roads created were named after people associated with the school. Can you name this road?
  10. 17. Which house won the house championship in 2021?