
  1. 2. Portion of a game where each team gets one turn to bat and try to score runs while the other pitches and defends in the field
  2. 3. When the pitcher throws four balls to a batter
  3. 4. One of four points a player must tag in order to score a run
  4. 7. Offensive player who takes a position in the batter's box
  5. 9. When one fielder throws the baseball to another fielder who then throws the baseball to another fielder
  6. 11. Area where the batter must stand during time at bat
  7. 12. A fielder getting possession of the ball by hand or glove in a legal fashion
  8. 13. The number of balls and strikes on a batter
  9. 16. The four bases of the baseball infield
  10. 17. The team at bat
  11. 18. The next batter due to bat
  12. 20. A player who has a position in the infield, which is the area of the field closest to home plate
  13. 23. A batted ball that goes direct from the bat to a fielder without touching the ground
  14. 24. Seating area reserved for team and coaches
  15. 25. A batted ball that goes high into the air
  16. 31. The team playing on the field
  17. 32. Two players are put out during the same continuous play
  1. 1. Play by defense in which three offensive players are put out as a result of the same continuous play
  2. 5. A mistake in fielding the baseball by the defense that allows a batter to reach base or a base runner to advance
  3. 6. When the pitch count has 3 balls and 2 strikes
  4. 8. Player who's position is behind home base
  5. 10. Order in which players will bat
  6. 14. A substitute baseball hitter
  7. 15. A ball thrown to the batter by the pitcher
  8. 19. A ball that is out of play
  9. 21. The score made by an offensive player who touches all four bases after batting
  10. 22. A substitute base runner
  11. 26. The ball that is in play
  12. 27. Player in outfield, which is the area of the field furthest from home plate
  13. 28. The player designated to deliver the pitch to the batter
  14. 29. The first base runner when more than one runner is on base
  15. 30. A baseball that is hit on the ground