
  1. 2. the house that_built
  2. 6. HOF player from 1981 to 2001 baltimore
  3. 7. a texas leaguer
  4. 8. Brooklyn to LA
  5. 10. banned king
  6. 12. only team to never be in the world
  7. 13. bases loaded home run
  8. 15. fenways wall
  9. 16. it grows at wrigley
  10. 17. rounding third and headed for
  11. 18. tossed perfection
  12. 21. first rookie of the year
  13. 24. most championships
  1. 1. "take me out to the"
  2. 3. first indoor stadium
  3. 4. rare defensive gem
  4. 5. the hot corner
  5. 9. fiery baltimore manager
  6. 11. oldest mascot
  7. 14. where the HOF is
  8. 15. first player to reach 4000 hits
  9. 19. the cubs were the last team put these in americas __pastime
  10. 20. mr. padre
  11. 22. known as "the kid"
  12. 23. wears the tools of ignorance