
  1. 1. what is used to hit a baseball
  2. 3. a fair hit where the batter makes it around all the bases without getting called out
  3. 4. a swing and a miss
  4. 6. the shape of a baseball field
  5. 9. a pitch thrown out of the strike zone
  6. 12. the player who throws the ball to the batter
  7. 14. the last base you run to
  8. 15. a popular dugout snack
  9. 17. the dirt area on the field inside the bases and just outside the bases
  10. 18. where the pitcher stands
  1. 1. hitting the ball gently so the ball rolls into the infield close enough for a player to get get onto base and could be a sacrifice play
  2. 2. the ref of baseball that stands behind the catcher
  3. 4. when the batter accumulates 3 strikes
  4. 5. the "Championship" of baseball
  5. 7. the place where the pitchers warm up
  6. 8. what players use to catch the ball
  7. 10. the catcher gives these to the pitcher to let him know what pitch to throw
  8. 11. the number of bases
  9. 13. the player who crouches behind home plate
  10. 16. when the pitcher throws 4 balls and the batter gets to go to first base for free