
  1. 2. within the three point line
  2. 6. who was the first girl to dunk
  3. 7. shot right under the net
  4. 9. bouncing the ball
  5. 13. which basketball team is the oldest
  6. 14. best basketball player (in my opinion)
  7. 16. who was the first NBA player
  8. 18. which basktball team is the newsest
  9. 19. someone who plays basketball
  1. 1. the outer line around the net
  2. 3. what was the first ball used for basketball
  3. 4. the player that directs the offense
  4. 5. who invented the dunk
  5. 8. who won the first NBA game
  6. 10. which team in NBA history is the worst
  7. 11. how long is a basketball game
  8. 12. a shot made while jumping
  9. 15. who was the first NBA mascot
  10. 17. which city was the first to play basketball
  11. 20. throwing the ball to another team mate