
  1. 2. "the enlightened one" is the name of ________ avatara
  2. 5. Son of king Uttanpada, means "pole star and fixed".
  3. 6. The father of yamraj and yamuna.
  4. 7. Father of Aswathama & teacher who served dynasty ofHastinapur.
  5. 8. Land where there is no fear or worry.
  6. 12. Appeared with the axe in Treta Yuga.
  7. 13. One who spoke Srimad Bhagvatam to Maharaj Parikshit.
  8. 14. The great devotee who was the son of Ganga, died on the bed of arrows during the Mahabharata war
  1. 1. The incarnation of Lord who killed Hiranyaksha
  2. 3. First son of Gandhari & eldest of hundred Kauravas.
  3. 4. Son of Devahuti and Kardama Muni
  4. 9. The eagle devotee who tried to save Sitamata from Ravana.
  5. 10. The elephant devotee of who called out to Lord after tired of fighting with crocodile.
  6. 11. King who promised to give away 3 steps of land to Lord Vamandeva.