Basic Geometry

  1. 3. distance around a circle
  2. 4. Line extended indefinitely and has no thickness or width
  3. 6. Two angles that are adjacent and whose uncommon sides are opposite rays
  4. 7. 2 lines that lie in the same plane and do not intersect
  5. 10. An angle whose measure is greater than 90 but less than 180
  6. 14. A geometric turn of a figure around a fixed point
  7. 16. Lines that intersect to form right angles
  8. 17. A comparison of 2 numbers by division
  9. 18. A drawing that represents something proportionally
  10. 19. The slide of a figure from one position to another
  11. 21. Chord of a circle that contains the center of a circle
  12. 23. A parallelogram with 4 right angles
  13. 25. A triangle with 3 congruent sides
  14. 26. A quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel sides
  1. 1. 3 or more points do not lie on the same line
  2. 2. A segment of a circle whose endpoints are the center of the circle
  3. 5. statement used to compare the nonequal measure
  4. 8. In a right triangle sum of the squares equals the square of the measure
  5. 9. A four sided closed figure with 4 vertices
  6. 11. 2 angles whose angle measures have a sum of 180
  7. 12. A figure formed by two noncollinear rays that have a common endpoint and are not opposite rays
  8. 13. 3 or more points that lie on the same line
  9. 15. An angle whose measure is less than 90
  10. 16. A flat surface that extends in all directions containing at least 3 noncollinear points Proof A logical argument used to validate a conjecture
  11. 18. A parallelogram with 4 congruent sides
  12. 20. A statement that can be justified by logical reasoning
  13. 21. unit of measure used when measuring angles
  14. 22. A parallelogram with 4 congruent sides
  15. 24. An expression that contains a square root