Basic radiation physics

  1. 1. The small area on the surface of the target that is bombarded by electrons during an exposure
  2. 3. The type of oil that absorbs the heat produced by x-ray production
  3. 5. A small coil of thin tungsten wire
  4. 6. A type op energy which is the result of the motion of atoms and molecules
  5. 9. The material that anodes are primarily made up of
  6. 10. The tray under the table that holds the cassette
  7. 12. If an electron passes near the atomic nucleus, the positive attraction of the nucleus will cause it to slow down
  8. 14. The energy spectrum of which x-rays are part of
  9. 16. 99.8% of the kinetic energy of incident electrons is converted to....
  10. 18. A property of waves that distinguish the different waves on the EM spectrum
  11. 19. cup A shallow depression in the cathode assembly designed to house the filament
  1. 2. A small bundle of energy
  2. 4. Using an aperture to open or close the size of the primary beam
  3. 7. A tube having two electrodes; a cathode and and anode
  4. 8. The positively charged side of the x-ray tube
  5. 11. The negatively charged side of the x-ray tube
  6. 13. Devise used to absorb scatter
  7. 15. Are emitted by thermionic emission
  8. 17. The discoverer of x-rays