
  1. 1. theirs a shooting _____
  2. 4. when you get the ball after someone misses the shot
  3. 6. their are four of these in a game
  4. 8. you play with a basket____
  5. 9. you do this to give the ball to other team mates
  6. 10. a type of pass is a _______ pass
  7. 11. when you walk with the ball but not dribbling
  8. 13. not offense but
  9. 14. you do this when you jump and score the ball with out shooting it
  1. 2. you ______ so you don't get a travel
  2. 3. when you _____ the get to shoot free throws
  3. 5. calls fouls
  4. 7. you get this when you pass the ball and the other person scores
  5. 10. you ______ a shot
  6. 12. one of the easiest shots is a ______