
  1. 2. The playing surface is called a ______.
  2. 4. Basketball started in Springfield, __________.
  3. 10. The _______ are there to make sure everyone plays by the rules; it's their job to call fouls, as well as other violations.
  4. 11. Basketball is broken into four ______ or two halves.
  5. 12. The ______ tries to prevent the other team from scoring.
  6. 13. Dr. Naismith nailed a _____ basket o the wall.
  7. 14. A player can _____ or steal the ball to prevent the other from scoring.
  1. 1. a team sport in which players score points by throwing a ball through the opposing team's basket, or hoop.
  2. 3. The tallest players fill the _____ and forward positions.
  3. 5. Each team has _______ players on the court at a time, switching between offense and defense.
  4. 6. The faster players who are better shooters and dribblers play the ______positions.
  5. 7. The team WITH the ball is on _______.
  6. 8. A player shoots the ball into the _____ while the opposing team's player tries to prevent him from making the shot.
  7. 9. ________ is when a player bounces the ball walking or running on the court.