basketball crossword

  1. 3. move involves the ball handler getting to defender and _____ his/her body 360 degrees
  2. 6. what sport is it when Two teams of 5 players each try to score by letting a ball go inside a hoop ?
  3. 8. ____ is the most important meal of the day
  4. 10. side jump is a jump on both of your feet instead of one because It is more ______
  5. 14. ____down is an easy exercise, done after a more intense activity
  6. 16. a close-up shot in basketball in which the player stands near one side of the rim, but shoots the ball underhand towards the opposite side of the rim
  7. 18. ____jump is also known as two-foot finishing
  8. 19. A court is divided into ___ main sections by the mid-court line
  9. 20. The ball is moved down the court toward the basket by _____ or dribbling
  1. 1. euro step is to get the defender moving one way, and then quickly stepping back the ____ way
  2. 2. ____dribble is a basketball maneuver in which a player dribbling the ball switches the ball rapidly from one hand to the other
  3. 4. Basketball is a ____sport
  4. 5. _______step is a move where the player with the ball will pick up their dribble, take a step in one direction, and then quickly take a second step in a different direction
  5. 7. A violation in which a player takes too many steps without dribbling
  6. 9. violent contact or harmful manner with opponent is called ____ foul
  7. 11. between the legs move, you are using your ____ as a natural shield against the defender
  8. 12. basketball involves ___ players in each team
  9. 13. we have to _____ up before exercising to prevent muscle sore
  10. 15. passing is important to create ____
  11. 17. Side ___ can help you to finish your layup better even with body contact