Basketball Diaries

  1. 3. Jumpman, Jumpman, Jumpman, that boy's up to something
  2. 6. Special structure derived from Greek word for "trees"
  3. 8. Applications in biomedical to transport drugs
  4. 9. General name for large "hoop" polymers
  5. 10. Building core first and then attaching arms
  6. 11. ____ is life
  7. 12. Major type of chemistry to form "hoop" polymers
  1. 1. Molecular distribution that is not narrow, also ____ in Atlanta
  2. 2. Application to pick up specific analytes
  3. 4. Best team in the NBA
  4. 5. Mimicking what's naturally seen in biological systems
  5. 6. Arms first, also Shailene Woodley
  6. 7. Related to the laminar flow, name of first speaker today