Battle of Labyrinth

  1. 4. the gods live there
  2. 5. son of Poseidon
  3. 6. maze creator
  4. 11. word from Pan
  5. 12. demons
  6. 15. underground maze
  7. 16. lost god of wild
  8. 18. shows where to go
  9. 20. new sword master
  1. 1. satyr
  2. 2. Grovers girlfriend
  3. 3. sees through the mist
  4. 7. volcano
  5. 8. Mrs. Oleary
  6. 9. attacked camp halfblood
  7. 10. blames Percy for a death
  8. 13. Percy Cyclops half brother
  9. 14. daughter of Athena
  10. 17. rises from the dead
  11. 19. son of Hermes