Battle Of The Ampere Vocab

  1. 3. supernatural;magical
  2. 5. a short, thick stick, usually used as a weapon
  3. 7. so intense you can almost feel it;perceptible
  4. 8. Relationship, especially one of mutual trust
  5. 10. Latin for "always faithful"
  6. 12. gemstone that comes in many different colors
  7. 14. a ring-shaped reef formed of coral.
  1. 1. a small tower at the corner of a building or wall;usually in castles
  2. 2. the building where an ambassador works
  3. 4. spread throughout
  4. 5. the same as
  5. 6. too bad to be ignored
  6. 9. to persuade someone that an idea is wrong
  7. 11. lacking poetic beauty
  8. 13. very old