
  1. 3. Hoover,provide relief
  2. 5. Act Helped farmers pay mortgages
  3. 7. A New Deal agency; electric power; control floods
  4. 11. ended Prohibition
  5. 15. established National Labor Relations Board;
  6. 16. created pension & Old age insurance
  7. 18. first woman appointed to the cabinet.
  8. 19. Provided employment to young men; national parks
  9. 20. Established the FDIC
  10. 21. set min. wage
  11. 22. new set of programs in the spring of 1935
  12. 23. provided $ for food & other necessities
  13. 24. Conservatives who disagreed w/Roosevelt
  14. 27. informal talks given by FDR
  15. 28. (NLRB)
  16. 29. allowed collective bargin
  1. 1. New Deal President
  2. 2. (WPA)
  3. 4. The "radio priest."
  4. 6. spent $ public buildings, highways, and parkways.
  5. 8. gave Pres power;banking system
  6. 9. spending more than collected in taxes.
  7. 10. All the banks were ordered
  8. 12. monitors the stock market
  9. 13. Changed date president takes
  10. 14. striking workers refuse to leave
  11. 17. New Deal critic;
  12. 21. A series of reforms enacted; Roosevelt
  13. 25. Roosevelt FDR's Wife and New Deal supporter
  14. 26. Republican Pres;approach to economy;voluntarism