BBB HOH Challenge

  1. 1. Mr. Claus
  2. 3. the best is ____ to come
  3. 5. cab-ride cost
  4. 7. saudi ___
  5. 10. fishing rod, e.g.
  6. 13. neither here ___ there
  7. 15. common reptile
  8. 16. historical periods
  9. 17. bird's dwelling
  10. 21. iron and zinc, for example
  11. 23. black and white cookie
  12. 24. classroom companion
  13. 27. track team race
  14. 28. Eiffel tower locale
  15. 30. conclusion
  1. 1. most adhered Islamic sect
  2. 2. crumbly greek cheese
  3. 4. not on time
  4. 6. banish
  5. 8. flying mammal
  6. 9. ____ of the Rings, timeless novel
  7. 11. armed conflict
  8. 12. planet between Earth and Mercury
  9. 13. to be or __ to be
  10. 14. famous Roman dictator, Julius
  11. 15. tree liquid
  12. 18. 9x9 number puzzle
  13. 19. stinging insects
  14. 20. thaw
  15. 22. plays the lead role
  16. 25. better late ___ never!
  17. 26. the departed actor Nicholson, for one
  18. 29. Tehran's nation