Be Prepared! Disaster & Response Crossword 2018

  1. 3. of Fire / Earthquake zone in the Pacific (4, 2, 4) (three words)
  2. 5. / Flowing volcanic debris (5)
  3. 7. / From where should you eat household food first in an emergency?(6)
  4. 8. Months / Replace emergency water and food every...? (6, 6) (two words)
  5. 11. / Best meeting place in an emergency (4)
  6. 13. / Best way of getting information in an emergency (5)
  7. 14. / What can happen to the ground after an earthquake (12)
  8. 15. Tree / Emergency contact system (5, 4) (two words)
  9. 16. Isolation / Seismic building solution used at Parliament (4, 9) (two words)
  10. 17. Defence / Protecting ordinary people from disasters and attacks (5,7) (two words)
  1. 1. / Animal associated with earthquake safety practices (6)
  2. 2. / Widespread infectious disease outbreak (8)
  3. 4. Months / Check emergency batteries every....? (5, 6)(two words)
  4. 6. / Add to emergency water (6)
  5. 8. / Wall of seawater (7)
  6. 9. / National earthquake drill (8)
  7. 10. Kit / Bag of emergency items everyone should have (7,3) (two words)
  8. 12. Bag / Emergency toilet (7, 3)(two words)