
  1. 3. People with whom one has a bond of mutual affection
  2. 7. Tabletop games played with counters or pieces on a board
  3. 8. Physical, mental, and spiritual practice originating in ancient India
  4. 10. Resting or being in a state of slumber
  5. 14. Swimming or recreational area filled with water
  6. 16. Tasks or activities undertaken for a specific purpose
  7. 18. Practice of focusing the mind and finding inner peace
  8. 19. Outdoor meal or gathering in a scenic spot
  1. 1. Activities done for pleasure or relaxation outside of work
  2. 2. Act of writing down personal thoughts and experiences
  3. 3. State of being physically healthy and strong
  4. 4. Outdoor space used for growing plants and flowers
  5. 5. Activity of preparing food
  6. 6. Activities involving rules and competition for entertainment
  7. 9. State of being free from tension or stress
  8. 11. Art or practice of capturing and creating images with a camera
  9. 12. Vacation spent at home or nearby
  10. 13. Form of entertainment involving motion pictures
  11. 15. Activity of looking at and understanding written words
  12. 17. Process of getting a tan from exposure to the sun