Beastie TV

  1. 3. "Working in the Coal Mine" singer
  2. 4. Scotland's national animal
  3. 8. Starsky & Hutch Informant
  4. 9. hoarder of nuts
  5. 10. Cosmos Host
  6. 15. Cleaver Neighbor
  7. 18. Hanna Barbera Gorilla
  8. 19. "Get Smart" sound blocker
  9. 21. America's largest cat
  10. 22. Brings Alice the meat
  11. 25. Elevator Family
  12. 26. "Six Million Dollar Man" Actor
  13. 27. Baby Beaver
  14. 29. "Gong Show" host
  15. 30. travels with a trunk
  16. 32. "Three's Company" landlord
  17. 33. chimney buildup
  18. 35. a good way to see oneself
  1. 1. Baseball Evangelist
  2. 2. Addams matriarch
  3. 5. His prices were insane
  4. 6. "Soul Train" host
  5. 7. Crazy Larry actor
  6. 9. It used to be the heart of town
  7. 11. Dead guitarist
  8. 12. Joanie's Sweetheart
  9. 13. played on a diamond
  10. 14. Bounty Captain
  11. 16. Bald 70's TV Detective
  12. 17. He better get back to Tennessee
  13. 20. Mayberry Drunkard
  14. 23. Munster's Lane
  15. 24. Beaver's brother
  16. 28. a carried home
  17. 31. 80's Subway Vigilante
  18. 34. 2020 World Series winners