Beef Cattle 2024

  1. 2. spreading of disease through improperly vaccinated calves.
  2. 5. Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis transmitted through the air and can spread rapidly in a herd.
  3. 6. a bacterial disease of the foot caused typically during wet wet warm weather.
  4. 7. antigen & antibody products produced by laboratories.
  5. 8. a result of improperly vaccinated calves in stressed calf groups.
  6. 10. a clostridial disease causing sudden death.
  7. 18. one of the most effective technologies used in the beef industry.
  8. 21. aka Snotty nose nasal drainage.
  9. 22. in the muscle vaccination.
  10. 23. cattle not able to stand.
  11. 24. disease in cattle that are thin,low carb,and low energy diet.
  12. 25. scar tissue between the cattle toes most common in dairy cattle.
  13. 26. diarrhea that can be fatal in any animal.
  14. 27. A toxic reaction in the lungs after cattle intake large amounts of amino acids in lush grass.
  15. 30. a non infectious condition making cattle sensitive to sunlight.
  16. 31. thin cattle grazing lush green pastures high in nitrogen and low in potassium
  17. 33. Fibrous tumors of the skin & mucus membranes.
  18. 34. Squamous Cell Carcinoma ulcer or lesions on the eyelids.
  19. 35. the common practice of administering antibiotics through the feed.
  20. 36. a vaccine containing inactivated toxins.
  21. 37. a vaccine containing killed bacteria.
  1. 1. a common NON-INFECTIOUS lung disease in cattle.
  2. 3. under skin vaccination.
  3. 4. unable to infect and replicate, are usually much safer to cattle than live vaccines.
  4. 9. a common infectious lung disease in cattle.
  5. 11. Causes sickness & death in calves before & after they are born.
  6. 12. A system of management practices that prevent disease from infecting a herd.
  7. 13. a reaction to the skin as a result of biting horn flies.
  8. 14. deficiencies are the most common weakness & weight loss in cattle.
  9. 15. disruption in the rumen function that prevents the normal elimination of gastric gasses.
  10. 16. Aka Pneumonia.
  11. 17. Dermatoephytoesis a fungal infection causing hair loss.
  12. 19. infectious Keratoconjunctivitis most common in the summer and highly contagious.
  13. 20. a disease by thin cattle,low protein,low roughage and cant stand properly.
  14. 28. one of the biggest thieves of profit in the beef industry.
  15. 29. a condition that occurs after cattle walk on rough ground.
  16. 32. is caused by 1 of 5 strains of bacteria.