Beethoven, Rock and Jazz
- 2. piano style of music with syncopated rhythms
- 4. remakes of old songs
- 5. disc jockey
- 7. birthplace of jazz
- 9. surfer music
- 10. these wer simple and repetitive in early rock music
- 14. a type of bass line used in early rock and roll
- 17. first rock superstar
- 19. the first group to arrive from England
- 1. deaf composer
- 3. loss of hearing
- 4. a form of African music
- 6. combination of jazz and rock and roll
- 8. Beethoven wrote 9 of these
- 11. how old beethoven was when he died
- 12. another term for early country and western music
- 13. a contibuting factor to the development of jazz
- 15. music popular with German teenages
- 16. section in charge of the melody
- 18. beethoven's first name