Beethoven, Rock and Jazz

  1. 2. piano style of music with syncopated rhythms
  2. 4. remakes of old songs
  3. 5. disc jockey
  4. 7. birthplace of jazz
  5. 9. surfer music
  6. 10. these wer simple and repetitive in early rock music
  7. 14. a type of bass line used in early rock and roll
  8. 17. first rock superstar
  9. 19. the first group to arrive from England
  1. 1. deaf composer
  2. 3. loss of hearing
  3. 4. a form of African music
  4. 6. combination of jazz and rock and roll
  5. 8. Beethoven wrote 9 of these
  6. 11. how old beethoven was when he died
  7. 12. another term for early country and western music
  8. 13. a contibuting factor to the development of jazz
  9. 15. music popular with German teenages
  10. 16. section in charge of the melody
  11. 18. beethoven's first name