Beginnings of Human Society

  1. 3. Pictures or symbols carved into something
  2. 8. Farming or domesticating animals
  3. 11. Age People made tools and weapons from stone
  4. 14. Change to a species over generations
  5. 15. Focus on one task/job
  6. 16. To tame animals
  1. 1. Art Engravings or paintings made by early humans about 40,000-14,000 year ago.
  2. 2. Stories passed down generations
  3. 4. The remains of a prehistoric organism
  4. 5. Switch from hunting-gathering to farming
  5. 6. Moving from one place to another
  6. 7. People who gather wild food and hunt animals to survive
  7. 9. Scientist who studies history and prehistory by studying fossils and artifacts
  8. 10. Written history
  9. 12. Before written history
  10. 13. No fixed home; moving around