Belle et la bête: Vocab 3

  1. 2. to the left
  2. 4. he knows
  3. 6. to run
  4. 7. room
  5. 9. there is / are
  6. 10. cold
  7. 11. all alone (f.s.)
  8. 12. in / into
  9. 14. to be hungry
  10. 17. gently / slowly
  11. 18. wolf
  12. 19. to choose
  13. 21. never
  1. 1. worse / worst
  2. 3. tree
  3. 5. to turn
  4. 7. cup
  5. 8. stranger
  6. 13. horse
  7. 15. to be thirsty
  8. 16. to the right
  9. 20. to lose