Below the land (all lower case)

  1. 2. The outermost shell of a terrestrial planet.
  2. 3. The class we are in.
  3. 6. The plates that are moving the continents.
  4. 7. First name of the scientist whom discovered Pangaea.
  5. 8. A mountain that spews lava out of the top.
  6. 12. The plate where the new oceanic crust is made.
  7. 13. last name of the scientist whom discovered Pangaea.
  8. 15. The plate that creates earthquakes.
  9. 18. What the continents used to be.
  10. 19. The pate we are on.
  11. 20. Molten rock that breaks through the Earth's surface.
  1. 1. The plate Japan and Germany are on.
  2. 4. The plate that makes mountains.
  3. 5. Happens during a transform boundary.
  4. 9. The plate Africa is on.
  5. 10. The only liquid layer of the Earth.
  6. 11. The hot, dense ball of made of mostly iron.
  7. 14. Happens during a convergent boundary.
  8. 16. Is hot fluid or semiliquid below the earth's crust.
  9. 17. How many years ago was Pangaea (numbers and capitals).