Ben's words #4

  1. 1. Spins around and makes flour from wheat
  2. 4. Breathes fire and sits on gold
  3. 6. Can ***** this clue
  4. 8. has four equal sides or not cool
  5. 9. comes in bottles and liked by Dad
  6. 10. Green and eats flies
  7. 11. Purchased something in Beefys. I ****** a pie.
  8. 12. The opposite of shrinkage
  1. 1. Its wet
  2. 2. A view
  3. 3. You can make chips out of them
  4. 5. To be a king or queen like Mum
  5. 6. A Chart that shows numbers in picture form
  6. 7. certain
  7. 8. An omen, or something that shows the way
  8. 13. Ben smashed one once