BEU FF by Rustam Aliyev

  1. 1. A square matrix is called ___ matrix if all the non-diagonal elements are zero.
  2. 3. A matrix which has only one row.
  3. 6. A matrix equal to its transpose.
  4. 7. If A is a matrix of order 3x3 then number of minors in determinant of A.
  5. 11. If any two rows or any two columns are identical or proportional, then value of determinant is ___
  6. 12. ___ are what remains often removal of a row and column from a matrix.
  7. 14. A matrix whose determinant is zero.
  8. 15. Two system of linear equations are called ___ if they have precisely the same solution set.
  9. 16. System of linear equations in which each of the constant terms is zero.This is ___ system.
  10. 18. An MxN is a ___ matrix if M=N
  11. 20. A square matrix has ___ if and only iff A is non-singular.
  1. 2. The matrix derived from the coefficients and constant terms of a system of linear equation called ___ matrix
  2. 4. If a linear equation has no solution it is ___ linear equation.
  3. 5. Linear ___ is a branch of mathematics rich in theory and applications.
  4. 8. The number of functions in a matrix.
  5. 9. The ___ matrix has 1s on the diagonal and 0s off the diagonals.
  6. 10. Vertical lines in a matrix.
  7. 13. Any square matrix can be represented as the sum of a ___ and a skew symmetrix matrix.
  8. 17. Ordered rectangular array of numbers.
  9. 19. If inverse of a square matrix exists it is ___.