Beyond Light

  1. 3. Has a wavelength of 580nm.
  2. 5. Of all radio waves, these have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency.
  3. 7. This absorbs UV rays.
  4. 8. This is a type of radiation that your skin is able to sense.
  5. 9. This ray has the shortest wavelength.
  6. 11. This type of radiation is just beyond the visible spectrum.
  7. 14. This animal can see UV radiation.
  8. 15. Compared to yellow, blue has a ______________ wavelength.
  9. 17. A microwave works by causing these to vibrate and become hot.
  10. 18. Has a wavelength of 600nm.
  11. 19. This chemical was commonly used in fridges and is now banned due to its destruction of ozone.
  12. 20. These are very penetrating and energetic rays.
  1. 1. These types of lights are used to keep baby chicks warm.
  2. 2. This part of the eye is damaged by UV rays and becomes foggy.
  3. 4. This depicts the different wavelengths of visible and invisible radiation.
  4. 6. This is when gamma rays are used to treat cancer.
  5. 10. As you go from red to violet, the frequency ___________.
  6. 12. LANDSAT relies on this law to produce images.
  7. 13. Has a wavelength of 400nm.
  8. 16. This is the common unit used to express wavelengths.