BEZ Milad Word hunt
- 2. Which room has no doors or windows
- 6. Has a face and hands but cannot smile
- 8. Which building has lots of stories
- 9. Which country won the 200m gold Medal in the Olympics 2024?
- 11. Which city was Rasulullah born in?
- 1. If I have it, I can't share it, if I share it I don't have it.
- 3. What do we recite upon Rasulullah to help us in trouble?
- 4. Where is Rasulullahs Qabar Mubarak.
- 5. How many Gold Medals did Kenya win in the 2024 Paris Olympics?
- 6. Im orange, I wear a green hat and I sound like a Parrot
- 7. I often run but I never walk, what am I?
- 10. I am spelled the same from the front and back
- 12. I have a head and a tail but no body.