
  1. 2. He built the Ark
  2. 6. The son of Abraham
  3. 7. He died on the cross for us.
  4. 8. Jesus brought him back to life from the tomb
  5. 10. The number of commandments written on the stone tablets
  6. 11. ......., Mark, Luke and John
  7. 14. The capital of Israel
  8. 16. Jesus' mother
  9. 17. Twelve sat with Jesus at the last supper
  10. 18. Jesus turned water into ....
  1. 1. First book of the Bible
  2. 3. The first man
  3. 4. He betrayed Jesus
  4. 5. The first woman
  5. 7. Was in the belly of a whale
  6. 9. Last book of the bible
  7. 12. Moses' brother
  8. 13. There are 4 in the New Testament
  9. 14. Was sold as a slave by his brothers
  10. 15. He led the Israelites out of Egypt