- 3. on what day was Christ crucified
- 4. who survived the Flood
- 7. the first book of the bible, creation of the world
- 12. what sin Adam and Eve committed
- 13. archangel Gabriel bringing new to Virgin Mary
- 15. 3 wise men who came to worship newly born Christ
- 16. the Bible consists of the Old and the New...
- 19. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
- 22. Christ's arrest, suffering,execution
- 23. where Adam and Eve lived
- 1. who killed his brother Abel
- 2. archangel showing the empty tomb of jesus Christ
- 5. scene in which 3 Magi lay gifts before baby Jesus
- 6. what is celebrated on Easter Sunday
- 8. what punishment was Christ sentenced to
- 9. scene of Christ's birth
- 10. who betrayed Christ
- 11. to worship the golden.....
- 13. the last book of the Bible is often called ....
- 14. who lead Israelites to the Promised Land
- 17. how many disciples, followers did Christs have
- 18. a story of Christ's life and teaching
- 20. what Noah was told by God to build to survive the Flood
- 21. how many commandments did Moses get on Mount Sinai